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Hi everybody, Welcome to my personal blog. I'm Ebrahim Elsharawy, and I'm a computer programmer & web developer & security analyst.

I gonna write about my projects and my researches about technology. I'll also share some of my open source projects here to give a chance to other programmers to read and develop them.

Besides, I gonna write about all the new updates concerning the field of technology.


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AI Snake Game

This is an A.I Snake game, written by me in Java script, the snake has a simple memory that is used to store its mistakes in the game to try to avoid later. Its artificial intelligence is still limited. It depends on the next cell checking that needs to move to without taking into consideration its length. So you will see it collides with itself!, so I'm working to develop it to make it more smarter. Here is the source code of the game for learning & developing: Download   Later, I'll publish some comments to explain the code ... Good luck :) Game Preview: *Click on [Play A.I] to start game AI Snake Game By Dev.Hima Score: 0 Play A.I Best Score: 0 ...

xCrypto 2.0

Secure your files with unbroken NTRU algorithm from quantum attacks. With xCrypto 2.0 you can use Public/Private Key NTRU algorithm to secure (Encrypt/Decrypt) your sensitive files on your android. NTRU is a cryptography algorithm based on lattice cryptography. NTRU is unbroken for now from Quantum Computing Attacks. You can download it from Google play store: